Writer's... Block

Anyone who has ever written anything knows that writer's block is REAL. For about a week now, I've been attempting to start my English essay, and have incessantly failed. In all honesty, this is the most I've been able to write since my last blog post. I don't know if my problem is that I can't find the right words, or that I haven't found the inspiration I need yet... could be both, I suppose. But that's how it is, it can be difficult to write when nothing inspires you. 

In a perfect world, I could sit down and whip out an essay in no time- as long as I have a good idea, that is. That's the thing, though, my brain has kind of been in limbo for some time now, not knowing what to write about, or if I will ever make any progress. To be fair, I have been laser focused on studying this week, as I had two huge exams on back to back days (which is just cruel, might I add).

Now that my exams are over, I'm extremely hopeful that I will be inspired to write something that I'm proud of. I do have to give myself some grace, considering that it is almost the end of the semester (how?!?!), and things are getting busy and overwhelming. An abundance of essays, presentations, and exams are just lurking in the shadows...

Thus, here I find myself at the end of another week, already planning what next week is going to look like for me, and I am desperately hoping that a good writing day is in my near future😪 Yet, despite my being a chronic complainer, I know that I will always pull through for myself and get my sh*t together at some point. 



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