Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Month

Wait, how many weeks until Thanksgiving break?😧Seriously though, I feel like October lasted roughly three years, and "good days" were few and far between. If you've ever seen the movie Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day, then you know exactly how my month went. Usually, it's easy for me to simply think that my luck is bad when it's actually not, but, unfortunately, that was not the case for the majority of October.

I'll spare everyone the details, but anything that could have gone wrong, most certainly did. I think there comes a certain point in the semester where pretty much everything is proclaimed as your "last straw", which is exactly how I've been feeling. Going to class feels overwhelming, taking care of myself seems impossible, and all I want to do is stay in my room and watch "Bachelor in Paradise"! In addition to all of that, I've been missing my family. My little brother just turned sixteen and it was hard for me to know that I wasn't going to be home to celebrate him. It's fine, I'm fine...

Though I've experienced some rough days (or weeks) lately, I know that something good is bound to come out of all the bad luck I've been having. Alexander said "You gotta have the bad days so you can love the good days", and you know what? I think he might be right. 

He is me. I am him. 


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