Taylor Swift- Modern Poet and Lyrical Genius

     All Swifties know that Taylor Swift is one of the best songwriters of our generation, which I can say as a fellow fan. Often times, I find myself wondering how she comes up with her lyrics, and how some of them relate so closely to how I feel. As we know, music can make us feel seen in a way that other things cannot. However, literature and poetry can relate to music in this same way. Everything that Taylor Swift writes has a meaning, and is thought out in great detail, which is why I believe her to be something of a poet. I was inspired to write about her for this post in light of the release of her tenth studio album, Midnights.

    Though Miss Swift does not have a single bad album, I think that Folklore contains some of her best and most meaningful lyrics. As a matter of fact, one of my favorite songs on the album, "The Lakes", directly mentions poetry. The chorus begins with "Take me to the lakes where all the poets went to die" (Swift, 2020), which, of course, references the Lake Poets. On another album of hers, Lover, the song "The Archer" has many important lyrics, but references literature by saying "All the king's horses, all the king's men/Couldn't put me together again" (Swift, 2019), which obviously correlates to the nursery rhyme Humpty Dumpty. 

    Though she does make many literary references, that is not the only reason I think she is a modern poet. Swift has a beautiful way of writing and constructing her lyrics in a way that deeply resonates with listeners. She addresses feelings of anxiety and inferiority that is not only relatable, but respectable as well. Midnights is yet another well-written album that I think a lot of people are going to hold close. 


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