A Rose for Emily x AHS

 Upon reading A Rose for Emily, I didn't initially feel any sort of connection to the story, and it was just that- a story. In the end, Faulkner alludes to the fact that the dead decaying body in bed is Homer. While having our class discussion, I just kept thinking "why does this seem familiar?"... and then I made the connection. If you haven't noticed by now, I am a pop culture fanatic, and the ending to Faulkner's story seemed awfully similar to something that I had once watched on American Horror Story

In the seventh season of the show, "Cult", siblings Kai and Winter live in the same house where their parents died. What we don't initially know is that the parents' bodies remain locked away in the master bedroom of the house. Their bodies are left to decay in the room for a period of time, similar to Homer's body in A Rose for Emily. With that, the rose symbolism then comes into play. We talked about how the rose in the story is likely metaphorical, and is meant to be the story dedicated to Emily. In the show, however, a singular rose is placed on the door to the parents' room, which has remained since their death. 

I find it interesting how our brains (well, mine at least) can make these kind of connections between two completely unrelated things. I am coming to find that roses often do not represent love, but rather death.  


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